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Sunday, 10 April 2011

Days 61 Sunday 10.04.2011
Location:  Wild Camping Tavernes de la Valldigna
Long / Lat:  N 39º04.921’  W 000º12.882’
Another lovely day but not as hot as yesterday.
We had a lazy day sitting outside the motorhomes drinking cold beer and talking nonsense with Charlie and Carol.
We are heading off to Peniscola tomorrow, going to look for a wild camping spot that a nice man parked near to us recommended.

Henry sunbathing

 Our route


  1. Lynne....Henry reminds me of Clara :)

  2. Day: 23,387 (I'm over 64 now)
    Location: Northampton
    Latitude: Gail won't allow me any.

    Hi Lynne and Paul. Glad to read you are still enjoying your trip and it's good to keep in touch via the blog. Sam says Henry reminds him of Clara - Jo's Springer, Gatty, also has that expression at times. Also, have you noticed how much your mum and I look the same in the Followers section? Good luck with the weather, the drinking, cycling, u-turning, etc. Best wishes, Your Aged Uncle David
